Wednesday, June 9, 2010

You're really growing on me....

So my trip went well. My parents garden is wonderful. I can't wait to have a real yard & be able to grow tons of stuff just like them. Of course I had to snap some pictures of it all.

(As you can see my baby boy really liked the tomatoes (notice the itty bitty teeth marks). I took more pictures but they are all on my other computer....)

Meanwhile at home in NC thanks to my wonderful neighbor, the rain, and my husband all of our back porch garden survived. My husband sent me these pictures while I was in FL.

I am super excited that everything has really taken off. I am really surprised that the sunflower is thriving so well in such a little pot, I didn't really expect it to grow. It's even getting a bud, I think it will have a flower soon. Tonight I plan on cooking with some of my basil. It smells so yummy. I'm not really sure when it should be picked but it smells good and it looks big enough so I guess I'll see how it tastes tonight.

Our tomatoes are popping up all over the place right now. 2 of the plants have 2 growing and one has 3!! Can't wait to pick some. I don't eat raw tomatoes but my husband and my son love them. (I'm just excited I have managed to grow something and it stayed alive! :) 


The Jalapenos have buds all over them! My husband LOVES peppers and if the buds are any indication of how many will grow he is going to have plenty to eat.


The bell peppers are growing finally too. I kept picking on my husband for packing the seeds so tight. For a while there I thought nothing was going to happen. He proved me wrong (damn!) but I am happy that they are growing. We're not sure that they are going to have enough time to sprout any peppers but if it takes too long we will just move them inside and see what happens. Speaking of inside, we are planning to buy some houseplants. Part of our whole "being green" thing. I saw a special about how your indoor air is more polluted than outside and that houseplants can eliminate up to 90% of toxins in your home. That was all I needed to hear. Guess my next blog will be about our "indoor jungle". haha.

The little pot is lavendar (at least I think it is I forgot to mark it when I planted it. oops!) Speaking of all the other flower seeds I planted individually, they didn't make it. Only two of the Lavender. I did however get a bouquet from my wildflowers. They managed to make it even though I planted the whole packet of seeds. 

Leaving you with two pictures today. 

The littlest bee I've ever seen. (its like he was made for that little flower :)

And two bugs gettin' busy on my sunflower....