Wednesday, May 12, 2010

buds & blooms

So my knights went AWOL. Literally hours after I wrote my last blog praising them for sticking around they all disappeared. So i ended up throwing out all the plants that had aphids on them and I've been picking any bugs I see off by hand.

This is manageable right now but it is really giving me an idea about how hard organic gardening will be when I have a "real" one. On to more exciting news: My tomato plants are starting to bloom.

They are getting big too! I am very excited that they are actually growing!!

My oregano on the other hand is

I moved my basil to a bigger pot because it didnt seem to be doing anymore growing in the small pot I had it in it is looking a little worse off than before I moved it but I am hoping it will perk back up

and I have no idea when to pick the basil either. I was reading something about picking it right before it blooms. Hell I didnt even know basil had flowers. Mine doesnt have any buds yet. Guess I'll know soon enough.
The bell peppers are finally starting to sprout. I picked on my husband because he packed them so tight I told him they would not be able to grow. He enjoyed pointing out that they were coming up.

My wildflowers are starting to bud and bloom too. I have no idea what any of the flowers are because I just dumped the whole packet of seeds but they look pretty

The sunflowers are getting big also. Hoping they will survive they kind of fell over the other day and I had to put some more dirt in there to prop them back up. 

I will be going to visit Florida soon and I will have to count on my neighbors for a few days and then the hubby to take care of all the plants. Hoping to come home to some tomatoes growing.
And that is all for today but here is a random picture of a fly that was on my tomato plants

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